SINCE 1967
SINCE 1967
the villagers have conducted an annual exercise in collective self-analysis, self-absorption and self-motivation, turning their inner struggles, doubts, hopes and fears into art.
Every summer, they have staged a theater performance in which they act out — what else? — the story of their own lives.
“Everybody is in it, I am not playing myself this year, but my son has a role, my daughter cooks in the tavern, and even my grandchildren are in the play.”
the new york times - sept (2017)
July 29 In this storybook town of a hundred stone houses crowded behind ramparts on a cypress‐studded hill in Tuscany. the cobbled town square serves as stage and a cast of townspeople. play out their own lives for an audience of 500 strangers every night for a month.
The “People's Theater” of Monticchiello has been going on for 12 years and it is hard to imagine a community more absorbed in a collective experience of self‐expression.