
Wine and Art

The Dialogue between Wine and Art

Wine takes part in the evolution of ART, leaving it an indelible mark, from the human need to express itself, to hang around with its kind, to exchange opinions and understand life itself, Dialogue was born.  The birth of ancient Greek tragedy and comedy has Dionysian origins. With the help of Dionysus, God of wine and vine, the ancient Greeks sought constantly for answers, they tried to find out what is behind all that is around us and, through the Dialogue, deepened the ideal and the real meaning of life. Materia Prima Collection wines come from, as well as from grapes grown with maximum quality criteria, even from this spirit which wants to give back the wine its higher task, what makes it, according to Plutarch, “a drink which relieves man’s soul from fear, lie, and subservience”. To do this we have established a Dialogue between wine and ART, especially modern and contemporary art, the one we believe is capable of creating a symbolic bridge to a possible future world, the one which makes the man feel more free.

Materia Prima would like to thank the creative team which, together, is trying to explore new boundaries and all those who in their daily work are committed to let our wines collection not being another perfect set of the usual sad commercial spectacle.
